NBA 3rd Annual Nevada Trust Conference 4.29.24 through 5.1.24

Date: Monday, April 29, 2024
Time: 11:00am - 5:00pm
Location: Caesars Palace, Las Vegas
Speaker: See below

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NBA will host the 3rd annual Nevada Trust Conference at Caesars Palace
April 29 - May 1, 2024.

Early bird registration is available until March 29th.

Register at 2024 Nevada Trust Conference (


The conference features the most preeminent lineup of estate planning leaders, innovators, and experts from a cross-section of industries. 

The conference is “a must for estate management professionals, attorneys and accountants in Nevada and throughout the U.S.” It will highlight the differences and advantages of Nevada’s trust environment while offering continuing education credits for a variety of industry credentials and jurisdictions.

Industry experts will present on topics ranging from protecting clients from fraud and scams to a federal tax update to the nuts and bolts of fiduciary accounting. Participants will hear from national speakers including Sam Donaldson, David Handler, Paul Lee, Dick Kinyon, Ray Thornson, Joe Toce, Jr. and more. Nevada experts include Bob Armstrong, Sallie Armstrong, Benjamin Edwards and Michaelle Rafferty. A digital and regulatory session on why crypto belongs in a bank will feature Jay Schulman and Matthew Wolf from RSM US LLP.

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